Monday, March 30, 2009

Managers and politicians (Indian)

This seems to be rather an odd association. Taking the liberty of not matching every move and character with each other, I believe certain similarities do exist.

A manager will exaggerate things, make tall promises, give a feel that he is everything in the old company and he will be everything in the future company. Does that not sound like a politician’s campaign speech and promise?

The risk he takes is jumping the ship and starting a fresh in a new company, the victory is the 20% to 30% hike in salary. The politician’s victory is a MLA or MP tag. Remember both have vested interest and both have made some investment, so both looks for R O I.

A special note on people who jump the ship and join a competitor (hoping for a minister post). Now that’s exactly what poaching from the competitor is all about (the minister tag can be equivalent to the creative new designation, senior manager of first floor second room last desk).

The politician swindles as much as he can to make sure that he earns from the current tenure. Similarly the manager does everything he can to boost up his resume value. The politician’s tenure is one term in office, the mangers term is one quarter in office. How about all the case filed against the last government. Now we can rest assured our new manger will throw all the old strategies and make way for his new ideas, remember all the repositioning and advertisement changes. If I continue with the old mans positioning and brand building ideas where is my contribution to the company, so ditch his ideas. Let’s do a brain storming.

Who is to be blamed for all this, well how about the citizens for a change for political issues and the management culture and pressure for all manager related issues. We have a vision and we have strategy, but we always act with a short sightedness. We get jittery if we don’t keep up with the industry growth standards. We don’t think long term, reason shareholders pressure. You get worked up because some fool in the share market is selling his shares at a low price, because he wants to extend his bathroom.

Stay put, think and align with the vision, profit will find its way into your statements.

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